7 Days Uganda Flying Safari
Tripscapers Africa > Tours > Chimpanzee Safaris > 7 Days Uganda Flying Safari


Come for a 7-day Uganda flying safaris and experience the magnificence of the country’s major tourist destinations. Travel to Murchison Falls National Park to explore the vast savannahs and their exciting game drives; visit Kibale National Park for the vastly unique chimpanzee habituation experience and also encounter the endangered mountain gorillas in the dense forests of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Murchison Falls National Park is Uganda’s largest, occupying a total land area of about 384,000 hectares in the northeastern part of the country. The park consists of a diversity of wildlife, primate and bird species in its vast grasslands and woodland. There is also the grand Murchison Falls on the Victoria Nile that is used for boat cruises, birdwatching and wildlife and bottom of the falls viewing.

Kibale National Park is a tropical rainforest that occupies a total land size of around 79,500 hectares in western Uganda. Kibale is popular for its 13 primate species including the largest population of chimpanzees in Uganda. Kibale also has 372 bird species, with a number of them endemic to the Albertine Rift Region. The primary tourist activities here include the chimpanzee trekking and chimpanzee habituation tours, beside birdwatching excursions.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in southwestern Uganda occupies around 32,100 hectares, on the edge of the Rift Valley. It is a tropical rainforest renowned for housing about a half of the global population of the endangered mountain gorillas. There are around 459 individual mountain gorillas that live in various gorilla families. The habituated families can be tracked for your amusement. There is also a golden opportunity for a gorilla habituation experience.


Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Fly (Transfer) to Pakuba Airstrip in Murchison Falls National Park

At your hotel, our driver will meet you and brief you on the entire tour before driving you to either Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi Airstrip. You will board a scheduled flight to Pakuba Airstrip in Murchison Falls National Park. At the Airstrip, another driver will meet you and take you to your lodge. You will check in, relax and have your delicious lunch. You will continue to relax before having your dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 2: Morning Game Drive and afternoon Boat Cruise on the Victoria Nile

Wake up for a delicious early morning breakfast before meeting your driver. You will be taken for a game drive to encounter numerous mammals like lions, leopards, Rothschild’s giraffes, elephants, waterbucks, warthogs, and cape buffaloes among others. You will witness the captivating views of the savannah vegetation with numerous bird species such as the Abyssinian ground hornbills, secretary birds and grey crowned cranes among others.

You will be taken back to your lodge for lunch before going for an afternoon boat cruise on the Victoria Nile.

This habitat is endowed with numerous mammals, bird and reptile species that can be observed along the river banks. These include hippos, baboons, crocodiles, African fish eagle, pied kingfisher and the iconic shoebill among others. You will also have a unique view of the powerful Murchison Falls. You will return to your lodge for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3: Top of the Falls Tour and Transfer to Kibale National Park via Semuliki Airstrip

Wake up for an early morning breakfast before checking out of your lodge. Your driver will take you to the top of the falls to enjoy the experience of seeing the Nile River pass through a narrow gorge. This creates a strong outpouring, with a thunderous roar that causes mist to bathe the place.

Your driver will take you to Pakuba Airstrip for a flight to Semuliki Airstrip. Upon arrival, you will be met by another guide who will drive you to Kibale National Park. You will check in at your booked lodge, relax and have dinner before a comfortable overnight stay.

Day 4: Chimpanzee Habituation Experience

Wake up for an early morning breakfast before meeting the driver. Ensure that the lodge personnel have prepared and packed you a picnic lunch. Your driver will take you to the park headquarters before a briefing on how you will experience the chimp habituation process. You will be led into the forest by experts to find the chimpanzee group. After finding them you will be allowed to spend 4 hours with the chimpanzees to witness and document chimpanzee unique behaviors along with researchers and other experts.

You are also allowed to take as many photos as possible. You will return to the park headquarters to meet your driver who will take you to your lodge for relaxation, dinner and overnight stay.

Day 5:  Fly from Kasese to Kihihi Airstrip

Wake up for an early morning breakfast before checking out of your lodge. Your driver will take you to Kasese to board a scheduled flight to Kihihi near Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Upon arrival, you will meet our representative who will take you to your lodge in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. You will check in, have lunch and relax before enjoying the chilly environment around you. You will have your dinner and overnight stay.

Day 6: Gorilla Trekking Tour

Wake up for an early morning breakfast before meeting your driver. Ensure to carry a picnic lunch with you since this activity may last up to eight hours. You will be transferred to the park headquarters before 8:00am for briefing. You will then be included in a group of eight other visitors to locate a particular gorilla group in the dense forest. Led by a ranger guide and armed rangers, you will locate the mountain gorillas.

Once you encounter them, you are allowed a full hour in their presence. This time allows you to observe their behavior while taking photos. Afterwards, you will return to the starting point, where you will receive your certificate of participation. Your driver will take you back to your lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 7: Fly from Kihihi to Entebbe International Airport

Wake up for your breakfast before checking out of your lodge. Your driver will take you to Kihihi Airstrip for a flight back to Entebbe Airport. Upon arrival, you will meet a driver who will take you to either your hotel or for your departure flight at Entebbe International Airport. This will mark the end of your 7 days Uganda flying safari.

  • Duration:1 days
  • DATES : Jan 01 - Jan 02
  • PRICE :