4 Days Kidepo Flying Safari
Tripscapers Africa > Tours > Family Safaris > 4 Days Kidepo Flying Safari


Visit Uganda for an amazing fly-in safari in the picturesque Kidepo Valley National Park, situated in the northeastern part of the country. Kidepo Valley National Park spans about 144,200 hectares at elevation ranging between 2,999 feet and 9, 022 feet above sea level. There are plenty of tourist activities that you can enjoy here. These comprise game drives, hot springs tours, birding, cultural tours with the Karamojong people and others. Kidepo Valley National Park has two seasonal rivers, the Kidepo and the Narus that dry up in the dry seasons. Kidepo Valley National Park is at least 435 miles northeast of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda.

Kidepo Valley National Park is situated in the jagged and semi arid areas between Uganda and South Sudan. Kidepo Valley National Park is home to about 77 mammal and 476 bird species that inhabit its vast savannahs. Mammals include 1000 elephants, 15,000 cape buffaloes, Rothschild giraffes, cheetahs, lions, leopards, caracals, jackals, reedbucks and foxes among others. Bird species include the iconic ostriches, secretary birds, carmine bee eater, ibises, hawks, hornbills and kori bustard etc. Reptile species include Nile crocodiles, rock pythons, skinks and lizards etc. Most of the mentioned wildlife species can be seen in the open savannah of the Narus Valley.

You can take a scheduled or chartered flight to reach Kidepo Valley National Park. This takes about 2 hours from Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi airstrip. The flight is scheduled by a reputable tour company. The tour company also organizes for your pick up from the airport or your hotel as well as receiving you at Kidepo Valley National Park. Also, there is the option for the longer road transportation option. The best direct route is via Gulu to the Lokumoit Gate. This scenic drive takes around 10 hours and offers an opportunity to tour the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. You can spend the night either in Gulu or Kitgum district while on this route. There is a longer route through Karamoja subregion, where you will arrive at Nataba Gate.


Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Transfer from Entebbe to Kidepo Valley National Park

At your hotel or Entebbe International Airport, our representative will meet you and brief you on your tour. You will be taken to board a flight to Kidepo airstrip from either Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi airfield. Ensure to enjoy the aerial views of Uganda’s natural wonders. Upon arriving at the airstrip, your driver guide will meet you and drive you to your booked lodge.

Check in and relax, before having a delicious lunch. You will go for an afternoon game drive in the Narus Valley area. This will take 2 to 3 hours and you will have an opportunity to spot buffaloes, and other angulates. You will return to your lodge for dinner and an overnight sleep.

Day 2: Game Drive and Hot springs tour

Wake up for an early morning breakfast before meeting your driver. Endeavor to pack your picnic lunch since this will take a full day. You will be taken to the Narus Valley to see the wildlife you could have missed yesterday. These include lions, leopards, cheetahs, lesser kudus, elephants, ostriches and other antelopes among others. You will be driven to the hot springs, where you will learn about their significance to the Karamojong people. In the evening, you will be driven back to your lodge for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3: Game Drive and Cultural Tour with the Karamojong

Wake up for another delicious early morning breakfast before meeting your driver. You will have another game drive enroute to the Karamojong communities adjacent to the park. You will have another opportunity to observe wildlife such as the hartebeest, bushbucks, warthogs, buffaloes, elephants and zebras among others. There are plenty of bird species to be spotted, like the ibises, hornbills and vultures among others. You will be taken to the Karamojong people for a cultural experience.

Learn about their way of life as pastoralists and how they interact with the park. You could participate in their music, dance, clothing and folklore among others. You will return to your lodge for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 4: Return flight back to Entebbe and drop-off

Wake up for your breakfast before meeting your driver. Check out of your lodge and prepare to be taken to the Kidepo airstrip. You will board a chartered flight back to either Entebbe Airport or Kajjansi airstrip. You will meet another driver who will take you to a drop-off point, where you will depart to mark the end of your 4 days Kidepo fly-in safari.

  • Duration:1 days
  • DATES : Jan 01 - Jan 02
  • PRICE :