3 Days Gorilla Fly-in Safari in Bwindi National Park
Tripscapers Africa > Tours > Family Safaris > 3 Days Gorilla Fly-in Safari in Bwindi National Park


Visit Uganda, the Pearl of Africa’ for a 3 days gorilla fly-in safari in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park located in the southwestern part of the country. Bwindi spans about 32,092 hectares in total land area, and is about 335 miles southwest of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. You will locate and spend about one hour with the endangered mountain gorillas in their natural environment. During this tour you will enjoy a scheduled flight to save as much time as possible compared to road transport. There is also an optional opportunity to explore the Batwa, who are the indigenous communities that have lived in the forest for centuries.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is beautifully situated in the Albertine Rift region. The place experiences cold conditions, mostly in the morning and night hours, and the coldest months being June and July. The annual average temperature conditions range from 7oC to 20oC. Annual average rainfall recorded is around 2,390 millimeters and is heavier in the rain seasons, in the months of March to May and October to November. The hillsides are mostly covered by mist. The tropical rainforest is home to unique biodiversity, comprising of 400 plant species, 120 mammal species, 350 bird species, 200 butterfly species and 51 reptile species.

The mammal species include an impressive 459 mountain gorillas, almost a half of the global total population. Other mammal species include bush elephants, bush buffaloes, sitatungas, red tailed monkeys, chimpanzees, olive baboons, L’hoest’s monkeys, blue monkeys, vervet monkeys and others. Bird species here include the African green broadbill, blue headed sunbirds, short tailed warbler, and Shelley’s crimson wing among others. Reptile species include the three horned chameleon, African hairy bush viper, and skinks among others. The tree species include brown mahogany, ceiba trees, cecropia trees, ebony trees and others.

Besides mountain gorilla trekking adventures, visitors can enjoy numerous other tourist activities in and around Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. These include nature walks, birdwatching adventures, cultural encounters with the Batwa Pygmies and Bakiga people, gorilla habituation experiences and much more. Ensure that you are well equipped for the tour with essential items while visiting Bwindi Impenetrable National Park for a 3 days gorilla safari. These items include raincoat, long-sleeved shirt, wide-brimmed hat, backpack, hiking poles, hiking boots, scarf, trousers, refillable water bottle, insect repellent and others


Detailed Itinerary

Gorilla Habituation Experience in Bwindi Impenetrable National ParkDay 1: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

At your hotel your driver guide will meet you and brief you about the entire safari. You will be transported to Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi airstrip for an air transportation transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. 1.5 to 2 hours later you will land at either Kihihi or Kisoro Airstrip. Another driver guide will meet you and drive you to your lodge. You will check in at your booked lodge.

You can have an optional walk around the premise to enjoy the sights of birds and the green vegetation. You will return to your lodge for dinner and overnight sleep.

Day 2: Gorilla Tracking

Wake up to enjoy an early morning breakfast before meeting your driver guide. Ensure to pack a picnic lunch since the trek may take somewhere between 4 to 8 hours. You will be transported to the park headquarters. You will arrive just in time to attend a crucial orientation conducted by the park authorities. You will be guided into the dense forest by a knowledgeable park guide and armed rangers to locate a specific habituated gorilla family along with other 7 visitors. You will encounter the mountain gorillas, and for up to an hour, you will observe their behaviors before returning to the starting point.

Your driver will drive you back to your lodge for leisure. Alternatively, you can engage on an optional tour activity like cultural encounter with the Batwa tribe. You will return to your lodge for dinner and a goodnight’s sleep.

Day 3: Transfer Back to Entebbe

Wake up at leisure for your breakfast at the lodge. Check out of the lodge and meet your driver to transport you to either Kisoro or Kihihi airstrips. You will fly back to Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi Airstrip. Upon arrival, you will meet another driver who will either drive you to your hotel, or ensure that you catch your return flight to complete your 3 days gorilla fly-in safari in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

  • Duration:1 days
  • DATES : Jan 01 - Jan 02
  • PRICE :