10 Days Luxury Flying Holiday
Tripscapers Africa > Tours > Chimpanzee Safaris > 10 Days Luxury Flying Holiday


The 10 days luxury flying holiday in Uganda takes you to the country’s wildlife-rich tourist destinations. You can explore Murchison Falls National Park, Kibale National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Come and experience unique tourist activities that encompass gorilla trekking, game viewing, nature walks, chimpanzee trekking, boat cruises and much more.

Enjoy the most comfortable flights and ground transportation options on 4X4 safari vehicles, driven by our dedicated tour guides. You will spend your nights in opulent accommodation facilities, inside and outside the national parks.

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival and Transfer to Hotel

Upon your arrival at the Entebbe International Airport, you will be met and greeted by our driver guide. The driver will brief you about the entire tour arrangement before taking you to your booked hotel in either Kampala or Entebbe. If time allows, you may go for a city tour to experience the lively streets and bustling markets. This exposes you to the local cultures and the people’s unique lifestyles. You will return to your hotel for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 2: Flight to Murchison Falls National Park

You will wake up at your hotel to enjoy your breakfast. Check out and meet your driver, who will take you to Kajjansi Airfield for a chartered flight to Murchison Falls National Park. You will arrive at Pakuba airstrip in 1 to 1.5 hours time. A driver will pick you up and take you to your luxurious lodge in Murchison Falls National Park. You will check in and refresh yourself, while you wait for your lunch. In the evening you will have dinner and have an overnight stay.

Day 3: Morning Game Drive, Afternoon Boat Cruise and Top of the Falls Hike

Enjoy your early morning breakfast at your lodge before meeting your driver. You will be taken for a breathtaking game drive in the northern sector of the park. This is an opportunity to spot countless wildlife species such as lions, elephants, leopards, buffaloes, giraffes, warthogs, Uganda kobs, waterbucks, hartebeests and olive baboons among others. You will return to your lodge for lunch and refreshment.

Then you will go for an epic boat cruise on the Nile River, that starts at 2 PM. This takes you to the bottom of the great Murchison Falls. There are other tour elements to enjoy while on this tour. These include birdwatching and wildlife viewing. Wildlife includes hippos, crocodiles, elephants and birds such as the shoebill and the African fish eagle among others. At the bottom of the water falls, you will step out of the boat to be picked up by a park guide waiting for you at the river bank. The guide will lead you on a hike to the top of the falls. This will provide another golden opportunity to observe the great Murchison Falls from the top. Take photos of yourself before meeting your driver for a return journey back to your lodge. Have dinner and overnight stay as you rejuvenate yourself for the next day.

Day 4: Transfer to Kasese Airstrip then Kibale National Park

Enjoy your morning breakfast before checking out of your lodge. Your driver will take you to Pakuba Airstrip for a chartered flight to Kasese Airstrip. This is a 1-hour flight southwards. At Kasese, you will be met by our driver guide who transfer you to Kibale Forest National Park. You will arrive at your lodge, where you will check in, refresh and have your lunch. You can spend the rest of the day relaxing or spotting the local wildlife, including the numerous bird species around. In the evening you will have a delicious dinner before your overnight stay.

Day 5: Chimp Tracking and Bigodi Swamp Tour

Wake up for an early morning wonderful breakfast before meeting your driver. You will be driven to the Kanyanchu Visitor Center in Kibale National Park. The driver will ensure that you are there by 8 AM to attend the briefing conducted by the park guide. You will be led by the ranger guide into the forest to locate a vocal chimpanzee group. This hiking experience will take 2 to 3 hours. After encountering the group, you will spend an hour in their presence. Observe their unique behaviors, and take photos. Return to the starting point where your driver will take you to your accommodation, for lunch and refreshment.

In the afternoon, you will be driven to the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary, which is considered a bird haven. You will have the serene guided nature walk that offers excellent opportunities to spot the great blue turaco, papyrus gonolek, black and white colobus monkeys and sitatungas among others. You will also have a chance to explore and buy the craft items made by the skilled local communities. Return to your accommodation for relaxation, dinner and overnight.

Day 6: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park

Wake up at leisure and have your delicious breakfast. Check out of your accommodation and enjoy a scenic drive to Queen Elizabeth National Park. Upon arrival, check in at your booked accommodation and freshen up. You can spend the rest of the day relaxing or even swimming. At nightfall, have your dinner and overnight stay.

Day 7: Morning Game Drive and Afternoon Boat Cruise

Wake up at your accommodation to enjoy your breakfast. Your driver will take you to the park, in the Kasenyi plains for a morning game drive. You will have excellent views of lions, leopards, hyenas, warthogs, buffaloes and elephants among others. This is the perfect chance to take more photos of the wildlife set against the backdrop of the savannah vegetation. Your driver will bring you back to the lodge for lunch and refreshment.

Later in the afternoon, you will be taken to the Kazinga Channel for a boat cruise. Along the Channel, you will observe numerous mammal, reptile, plants and bird species. These include hippos, shoebills, grey crowned cranes, elephants and others. Take as many photos as you want. Afterwards you will be driven back to your accommodation for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 8: Transfer from Mweya Airstrip to Kihihi Airstrip in Bwindi

At the lodge, wake up for your luxurious breakfast before checking out. Your driver will take you to Mweya airstrip to board a chartered flight to Kihihi Airstrip near Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. After this 15-minute flight, you will be picked up by a driver who will take you to your booked accommodation within or near the park. You will relax and have your lunch. You could spend the remainder of the day observing the local wildlife before dinner and overnight sleep.

Day 9: Gorilla Trekking in Rushaga Sector

Wake up for an early morning breakfast before meeting your driver guide. Carry a picnic lunch in your backpack before you are taken to the park headquarters before 8am. Attend a session where the park ranger talks about the gorilla trekking rules and regulations. You will be placed in a group of eight other hikers and allocated a gorilla group to locate. A ranger guide and armed guards will lead you through the trails in the dense forest to locate your assigned gorilla family. This hike may take 2 to 3 hours, or even more depending on the location of the gorillas.

Encounter the gorilla family, and only an hour is allowed for you to be in their presence. Observe their unique lifestyles, feeding habits, hierarchies, and other behaviors. Take photos before hiking back to the starting point for a certificate of participation. Your dedicated driver will bring you back to your lodge for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 10: Flight from Kihihi Airstrip to Entebbe International Airport

Wake up to enjoy your delicious breakfast before checking out. You will be taken to Kihihi Airstrip for a scheduled flight to Entebbe International Airport. Upon arrival, you will take a departure flight back home. This is the end of your 10 days luxury flying holiday safari in Uganda.

  • Duration:1 days
  • DATES : Jan 01 - Jan 02
  • PRICE :