Private Trips

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Private Tours in Uganda

Private tours in Uganda are a bit expensive compared to group tours. However, private tours in Uganda give clients a more private and personal adventure. Private tours in Uganda are organized for a single private person with their closest companions like family and friends. Private tours do not involve strangers like a group tour. Private tours in Uganda take you the client on a roller-coast of discovering Uganda’s untamed adventures and hidden treasures. Uganda is a perfect destination for private tours as you get to turn your wildest dreams and fantasies into reality.

Uganda is the pearl of Africa offering a wide range of wildlife to choose from. The number one attraction that draws clients for private tours in Uganda is the incredibly endangered mountain gorillas. These wild endangered mountain gorillas are located in only two national parks in the country, Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorillas National Parks. Uganda boasts of having more than half of the entire world’s population of mountain gorillas.

Mountain gorillas are social beings and live in groups known as gorilla families. These families can have as many as 20 mountain gorillas or less. Each gorilla family has a fierce protector a dominant male known as a silverback. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park has the most mountain gorillas in Uganda. These mountain gorillas in Bwindi live in the four sectors of Buhoma, Nkuringo, Rushaga, and Ruhija. It harbors about 50 gorilla families with only 18 families available from habituation. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park however has only two habituated gorilla families. An exclusive gorilla experience is a perfect start for any private tour in Uganda.

Private tours in Uganda will also take you to the floor of the great western Rift Valley to Queen Elizabeth National Park. This is the most popular national park in the country offering epic experiences that one has never dreamt of. The diverse landscape of the park and the variety of wildlife species in the park make it a must-visit for private tours. The park is home to four of the big five animals, lions, buffaloes, elephants, and leopards. The lions in the park are quite special as they climb trees in the Ishasha sector of the park. The feeling of spotting these 150-200 kilogram beasts on the top branches of trees is surely an everlasting memory.

You will also come across several other species like antelopes, hyenas, waterbucks, and elands to mention but a few decorating the savannah grassland plains. From the savannah grassland plains, clients with then be treated to a boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel. This channel of water connects Lakes Edward and George. The Kazinga Channel hosts the most number of hippos in Uganda with more than 5000 of them. Still on the boat cruise, you with also spot the most dangerous aquatic animal in the country the Nile crocodile. Off the boat to the landing sites on the shore, you will interact with the local fishermen who know the channel like the back of their hands.

Moving on further from Queen Elizabeth National Park, the private tour will take you to Kibale National Park the primate capital of the world. Kibale has the greatest number of chimpanzees in Uganda. A hike through the forests of the park while listening to the birds singing and chimpanzees chanting is truly an awakening adventure experience. With the guidance of an experienced guide ranger, you will get to spend some precious time with the chimpanzees as you watch them feed, play, and roam around with their daily chores.

Private tours in Uganda would not be complete without a private visit to the largest and oldest national park in the country, Murchison Falls National Park. The park will introduce the clients to the tallest gentle giant the giraffe living in harmony with four of the big five and other animals like hyenas, zebras, antelopes, and waterbucks among others. You will spot these wildlife species and more on an organized private game drive in the park. As you conclude your game drive, you will visit Murchison Falls, the world’s strongest waterfall. This is a captivating moment of wonder and amusement at the mighty Murchison Falls.

The sheer strength and power of the falls that vibrate the earth close to it forming a cloud of water vapor overlooked by a beautiful rainbow is indeed a moment to experience. A few kilometers as you enter the park, you will pass by Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for an exclusive visit to the endangered white rhino. This is the only place in the country to spot the white rhino. Off the savannah plains, visitors will go on a private boat cruise on the Victoria Nile where they will enjoy aquatic species like hippos and Nile crocodiles.

Private tours cannot be complete without community and cultural tours arranged for cultural and heritage enthusiasts. These private community tours help to give back to the community as a way of giving them thanks for their conservation efforts. This is done through supporting their art and craft industry by buying their craft and artwork. Private cultural encounters take you down to the ancient cultural heritage of the different people. For instance, a Batwa cultural encounter will expose you to the ancient tales of the forest keepers who lived and survived in the forests and caves of Bwindi and Mgahinga before the parks were established.

Although private tours in Uganda are more expensive compared to group tours, they give the client a private front seat to enjoy the adventures of Uganda in a personalized setting.