Honeymoon Packages

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Honeymoon Holidays in Uganda

The honeymoon holiday is a special time created by a couple to have intimate and lasting memories for themselves or their loved ones. There are so many places where couples can go for honeymoon such as national parks and islands offering quiet ambiance for sharing intimacy. For honeymooners to enjoy their vacation the weather should be so calm and appealing. This is why most of the vacations are done in the dry season in July and August when the ground is clear, dry, and enticing. Uganda’s beautiful nature accompanied by amazing hotels, lodges, and tents makes it so easy for the honeymooners to enjoy their privacy without any interruption. Depending on where the couple decides, Uganda is such a country with amazing honeymoon spots all through.

Below are some of the Honeymoon spots in Uganda

Fort-Portal City

This is an amazing city located in western Uganda with a tranquil ambiance, beautiful landscape, and amazing sight of the Rwenzori mountain ranges. It boats for hosting the Crater Valley Kibale one of the breathtaking views of the crater lakes. Lodges such as Aramaga Rift Valley Lodge, and Kyaninga Lodge in Fort Portal will give you an amazing view of such nature. Engage in chimpanzee tracking in Kibale National Park or hike Amabere ga nyina mwiru to have an extraordinary view of Lake Nyabikyere and Lake Kigere with a clear highlight of Rwenzori mountain rangers.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

This is the most visited national park in Uganda and is the most widely open park with endless plains and a beautiful Kyambura Gorge that bisects the park. As you plan to have a honeymoon in Uganda, it is better you consider Queen Elizabeth National Park. It has a wide range of sensational activities and beautiful lodges with top-notch services which will turn your honeymoon vacation into a memorable one.

Some of the activities to do in the park include a boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel, and a game drive to encounter Africa’s Big 4 which are leopards, lions, buffaloes, elephants and other animal species not forgetting birdlife of over 600 bird species. You can spend your honeymoon at Buffalo Lodge, Elephant Plains Lodge, or Mweya Safari Lodge.

Lake Mburo National Park

This is another fabulous honeymoon destination in Uganda where couples can spend their private time in a very silent and cool environment. The park is the closest to Kampala and Entebbe and this makes it the best option for honeymooners since it can easily be accessed in 3-4 hours. The park has several wildlife which you can encounter on a game drive, and a boat cruise which will expose you to aquatic life.

You will also visit different animal spot points like the saltlicks. You also engage in a guided nature walk in the Rubanga forest and horseback riding and it is the only park in Uganda offering this activity. Cycling and cultural encounters in the cattle corridor to spot the Ankole long-horned cattle are also some of the activities to engage in. The beautiful lodges in Lake Mburo National Park provide extraordinary services accompanied by massage and spur to relax your body.

Ssese Island on Lake Victoria

Another beautiful place to visit while you are on your honeymoon is Kalangala which is the largest Island on Lake Victoria out of 84 Islands that are on the lake. Kalangala is famous for having white sand on its loner beaches which are so comfortable. Enjoy breathtaking views of the endless Lake Victoria with your partner with ample space to create memories and memories. To enjoy your honeymoon while on this island be sure to visit different islands while you take a drive to discover more beautiful islands which will give you beautiful scenery.

The amazing accommodations on this island have mastered the art of hospitality and they will give you the best service right from the start where you will be welcomed with a glass of fresh juice, a fruit basket in your room, and a candlelit dinner. Accessing Kalangala island is so easy that you have to grab a water bus at Nakiwogo in Entebbe to Kalangala in just 2 hours. You can also access this mighty island from Bukakkata on the Masaka side and drive for about 30 minutes to reach the best hotels such as Victoria Forest Resort or Brovad Sands Beach.

Lake Bunyonyi

Lake Bunyonyi is located in southwestern Uganda in the Kabale district. Visiting Lake Bunyonyi, especially on your honeymoon is one of the most rewarding things you can do. The lake is gifted with over 29 islands and each island has a unique history attached to it. Expect to engage in water games like canoeing, and swimming since this is the only bilharzia-free lake in Uganda. The place is so far from any noise and emissions allowing you to inhale natural and clean air as you enjoy the surrounding environment.

Kidepo Valley National Park

This is the furthest national park located in northern Uganda bordering South Sudan. The park is home to various animals and birds, beautiful sceneries, and nice lodges which make your stay in Kidepo such a rewarding thing. Kidepo Valley National Park is isolated giving you ample to escape the busy world and enjoy your time with nature.

Uganda has so many destinations where you can spend your time while on a honeymoon vacation in a very peaceful and calm environment. Look out to all the 10 national parks in Uganda, you will enjoy a beautiful holiday with your partner.