Fly-in Safaris

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Tripscapers Africa > Tours > Fly-in Safaris

Fly-in Safaris in Uganda 

Flying safaris in Uganda are such amazing experiences that will be connecting you to different unique destinations around Uganda. Flying safaris will give you the best experience in Uganda where you will have the best views of Uganda’s landscape where you will be having an eagle’s eye view of the beautiful places. Uganda flying safaris can begin right from Entebbe International Airport or from Kajjansi Airfield where you will have to board a local flight to any destination of your choice.

Uganda has 10 national parks which are all accessed with domestic airstrips, since these national parks are far from Kampala – the capital city of Uganda. Flying safaris have been the best option for visitors since they save time and ensure comfort. Uganda’s road networks are bumpy, and visitors who don’t want to go through this hustle always book a domestic scheduled flight to their desired destination. This is always done by travelers who want a luxury safari to Uganda or those who have a limited time but want to explore the beauty of Uganda’s jungles in a very short time.

If you want to visit Uganda on a flying safari, expect to have an extra value for your trip as this will enable you to visit Uganda’s many destinations in a very short time. After landing on the airfield near your destination such as in Bwindi or Mgahinga National Parks, Kihiihi Airfield or Kisoro airstrip are the main airstrips in the area. From here our trained and experienced driver guide will be waiting to receive and transfer you to the lodge.

You can also access Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park from Kigali by landing at Kigali International Airport. A drive for about 2 hours from Kigali via the Katuna border, connect to Kabale, and proceed to one of the parks where you will be tracking gorillas, birding watching in Bwindi and Batwa community visit.

Instead of driving for about 10 hours from Kampala to Bwindi or Mgahinga, you can fly for about 1:30 hours. You will be picked by the ground safari guide who will be able to transfer you to your lodge and this will always take about 40 minutes on the road.

Uganda’s national parks that have airfield connections include Murchison Falls National Park which has Pakuba airstrip and Chobe airstrip. These are in the central part of the park and connecting to your lodge accommodation expects it to be very easy to reach out. Kidepo Valley National Park is connected to Apoka airstrip inside the park close to your lodge and it will take 30 minutes to the lodge. Kibale National Park which happens to be the world’s primate capital you have to land in Kasese which is about 60km away from Kibale. Another airstrip is in Semuliki National Park which is in the park and it is just a 1:20 hour driver to Kibale therefore to connect to your lodge in Semuliki, you can either land at Semuliki airstrip or Kasese Airstrip.

Connecting to Queen Elizabeth National Park you have 3 optional airfields the first one which is located in the park is Mweya Airstrip and the 2nd option is Kasese Airstrip. The 3rd option Nyakisharara is in Mbarara and it is about 2 hours on the tarmac from the park. When visiting Lake Mburo National Park, you will have to land at Nyakisharara which is a 30 minutes’ drive from the park. To enjoy the magical aerial view of Uganda’s terrain, vegetation, and homesteads, it is better you take a luxurious flying safari to Uganda’s national parks and the feeling is going to be amazing.

For a rush safari to Uganda, it is better you choose a flying safari, especially during a 3 days Bwindi flying safari. This is the most common and the best seller of all other Uganda rush safari packages. You can also engage in 2 days Uganda flying primates’ safari, where you can either go to Kibale or Bwindi and Mgahinga since these are the primate destinations that Uganda boasts to have.