Nyungwe Forest National Park

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Tripscapers Africa > Destinations > Nyungwe Forest National Park


Nyungwe Forest National Park (NFNP) is the biggest forest park in Rwanda, home to several interesting primate species. Tucked in the far Southern Province, Nyungwe is undoubtedly the most favorite primate safari destination offering unmatched chimpanzee trekking and canopy walk experiences. This park boasts of its abundant fauna and avifaunal species, protecting up to 13 species of primates, 200 trees, 310 bird species, 1068 species of plants, and many others.

Location and the size of the park

Nyungwe is located in the Southwestern part of Rwanda and close to it is the scenic Lake Kivu, the Burundi-Congo border and Kibira National Park. The park was officially founded in 2004 and features as the country’s 2nd largest park, extending up to 970sq.km. Nyungwe lies within Cyangugu town, Rwanda and is at elevation range of 1600 and 2950m with Mt. Bigugu being its highest point.

Fauna and flora of Nyungwe Forest Park 

Nyungwe Park is rich in faunal and floral species. The park protects over 1068 tree and plant species, 85 mammal species, 140 orchids, 120 colorful butterflies, 310 bird species. The park shelters up to 13 species of primates including 500 chimpanzees, olive baboons, silver monkeys, 400 colobus monkeys, grey-cheeked mangabeys, Angola colobus, l’hoest monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, owl-faced monkeys, Dent’s Mona monkeys, blue monkeys, and vervet monkeys.

Other species that survive within this park include the western tree hyrax, golden cats, bushbucks, giant forest hogs, duikers, buffaloes, Congo clawless, impalas, klipspringers, elephants, serval, genets, carnival gent, and many more.

Vegetation cover 

Nyungwe NP features unique vegetation zones defined by its varying elevations. At altitude of 1900m, this point is dominated by Cyathea Manniana, Prenanria exelsium, and at far 2500m, mostly hagenia dominates.

Bird species

More than 310 bird species call Nyungwe their home and a preferred birding destination. The varied bird species to look out for at this park include barred long-tailed cuckoos, Shelley’s crimson wings, Yellow-eyed black flycatchers, Mountain sooty boubou, Rwenzori turacos, red throated alethe, Rockefeller’s sunbird, Kivu ground thrush, purple sunbird, Mountain masked apalis, red-breasted sparrow hawks, regal sunbird, Kungwe apalis, strange weaver bird, grey-chested kakamega, blue headed sunbirds, Chapin’s flycatchers, and others. The best birding spots worth exploring in Nyungwe include Gisakura, Bigugu, Karambi and Kamiranzovu.

Top activities to do in and around Nyungwe 

Chimpanzee trekking

Chimpanzee trekking/tracking is a memorable primate adventure offering nature lovers a lifetime opportunity soak themselves into the wild in search of chimpanzees. The treks to see Nyungwe NP chimpanzees run for 2-5 hours starting at Uwinka or Cyamudongo Forest reception. All treks to see Nyungwe chimps begin after briefing and park guides accompany you on a search for these unique primates. 

You will have a maximum of one hour to enjoy a face-to-face encounter with these apes in the wild and also take photos. Luckily, your day search for chimpanzees comes with sights of other primates like colobus monkeys, crowned monkeys, vervet monkeys, l’hoest monkeys, Dent’s Mona monkeys, red-tailed monkeys plus lots of birds. Note, valid chimpanzee permits for Nyungwe are obtainable at USD 100 per visitor per single trek.


Bird watching excursion in Nyungwe is done all year round with opportunity for birders to spot variety of endemic species. The numerous species of birds to look out for on a birding tour in Nyungwe include the red-faced woodland, Neumann’s warblers, Rockefeller’s sunbird, Congo-bay owlet, dusky crimson wings, archer’s robin chat, Albertine owlet, barred long-tailed cuckoos, Rwenzori nightjars, cinnamon-chested bee-eaters, grey-chested kakamega, white tailed flycatchers, strange weaver bird, mountain sooty boubou and others.

Colobus monkey trekking/tracking 

A total of about 400 colobus monkeys call Nyungwe a home and the park offers memorable colobus monkey treks. Colobus monkey trekking through Nyungwe Forest NP involves searching for colobus monkeys, explore more on how they behave and taking photos.


Nyungwe Forest NP offers memorable nature walks/hiking experiences. Nature lovers have 13 trails open for hiking including among others the Congo Nile divide, Karamba, Rukuzi, Imbaraga, Igishigishigi trail, Irebero, Umugote, Isumo, Gisakura, Ngabwe, Uwinka, Buhoro and others. 

Canopy walk 

Canopy walk is unusual experience launched in 2010 and takes you on suspended walkway. The walkway is set 50m from the forest ground and takes nature lovers up to 2 hours to make a complete walk through it. As you navigate through this walkway, you stand a chance to come across primates, birds and enjoy the breathtaking tree canopy of Nyungwe Forest.


On the Congo Nile hiking trail, biking is a must-do as you conquer the 227km long trail. This remarkable trail runs from the North to the Southern end encompassing parts of Lake Kivu.

When to visit

Nyungwe Forest Park is open to visitors all year round but the dry season is the most favorite time. The dry season is ideal for a number of experiences offered in the park including chimpanzee tracking, hiking and others. This is best done from June to September, December to February. 

Where to stay 

Accommodation options to consider booking for a night stay in and around Nyungwe comprise of budget, midrange and luxury options. They include Nyungwe Top View Lodge, Nyungwe Forest, One&Only Nyungwe House, Gisakura Guesthouse, Uwinka Campsite and others.

How to get there 

By road: It takes you about 6-7 hours to drive up to Nyungwe Forest NP in the Southern province.  By air, expect to spend fewer hours and you depart from Kigali airport then land at Kamembe Airport using Akagera Aviation services.



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