Mount Elgon National Park

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Tripscapers Africa > Destinations > Mount Elgon National Park


Mount Elgon National Park (MENP) is one of the favorite African travel destinations in Uganda that is best for mountaineering. Unlike the popular Murchison Falls National Park, Elgon National Park is among the least visited parks in Uganda.

Location, size & creation

Lying far at the Kenyan-Ugandan border, Mt. Elgon National Park takes its name from Mount Elgon. This is an extinct shield volcano known to have its first eruption about 24 million years back. Mount Elgon NP is situated in Eastern Uganda and was officially gazetted as a National Park in Uganda in 1968. The Kenyan Mount Elgon NP section was established in 1992.

Elgon National Park extends over the land area of and Ugandan section occupies up to then rest of the area falls on Kenyan side. Mount Elgon NP is officially a UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve and protects the iconic Mount Elgon, the world’s biggest unbroken caldera that measures up to This volcano’s highest peak –Wagagai rises at the elevation of 4321m. This makes it Africa’s 8 th highest mountain and aside from Wagagai, this volcano also features other peaks like Jackson’s Summit (4165m), Kiongo (4303m) and Mubiyi (4210m).

Most importantly, Mount Elgon is one of the main water catchment areas, especially for Nzoia River, a spectacular river that feeds Lake Victoria and some parts of Kenya like River Turkwel. The park is surrounded by communities like the Sabiny and Bagisu.

Top things to see and do on Uganda safari in Mount Elgon National Park

Diversity of wildlife

Elgon NP boasts of its plethora of wildlife that inhabits most of its base area. These include the Defassa waterbucks, spotted hyenas, elephants, blue monkeys, duikers, buffaloes, black & white colobus monkeys.

Bird species

A total of over 300 bird species call this protected area home making it one of the special birding destinations. The numerous species of birds to identify while on bird watching safaris in Mount Elgon NP include black-shouldered kite, Lammergeyer, Tacazze sunbird, White-starred forest robins, White chinned prinia, Jackson’s francolins, Marsh widowbird, African blue flycatchers, Hartlaub’s turacos, Moustached green tinker bird, Eastern bronze napped pigeon, Chin spot batis, Red throated wryneck, Luhder’s bush-shrike, African goshawk, African blue flycatchers, Mackinnon’s fiscal, and others.

Safari Activities to do


Mount Elgon NP features variety of most rewarding hiking trails that make it a special spot to enjoy hiking adventures. Enthusiastic hikers can best start their hikes from any of the 3 exceptional hiking trails each having something amazing to reward. They include Sasa trail, the shortest but most challenging hiking trail. A complete hike through the Sasa trail lasts for 4 days and leads hikers up to Wagagai peak (4321m).

To hike through this trail, your adventure starts at Budadiri and involves first day hike to elevation of 1650m. The 2 nd day takes you on a gentle walk and 3 rd day involves conquering the Wagagai peak. Piswa trail takes up to 7 days and comes with spectacular views of the Karamoja plains, Nandi Hills and Kapeguria. The Sipi trail, a 56 km requires about 4-6 days for you to complete trekking through it. A hike through this trail begins from Kapkwai Forest Exploration Centre. Along this trail, hikers have a chance to explore the Sipi Falls at the base of Mount Elgon, a scenic waterfalls set at varying altitude 100m, 85 and 65m.

Mountain biking

Mountain biking is an exciting adventure experience recently launched by Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). This activity is conducted along the designated trails and bikes can be hired at the Sipi River Lodge. The biking experience lasts for 1.5 hours and set off point is at the Sipi Trading Centre (1775m).

Day hikes

In case you are less experienced hiker, then day hikes have you sorted. There are 3 shorter trails of 3-7 km long at the Forest Exploration Centre worth conquering.

Cave exploration

Cave exploration is an exceptional adventure experience you shouldn’t miss at Mount Elgon National Park. Most of the caves are concentrated around the base area of the volcano and include Khauka, Kitum, Mackingeny, Chepnyali and Kapkwai.


Bird watching in Mount Elgon Park takes you on a search for the park’s diverse bird species. The check-list of birds to expect to identify on a birding excursion at this park include African blue flycatchers, Luhder’s bush-shrikes, Chin spot batis, Eastern bronze napped pigeon, Hartlaub’s turacos, Tacazze sunbird, African goshawk, White-chinned prinia, Moustached green tinker birds, Marsh widowbird and others.


Abseiling is a unique experience awaiting you on a tour in Mount Elgon NP. This exciting and adventure experience is best enjoyed at the Sipi falls cliff 100m and expect mesmerizing views of the water pool plus the scenic surrounding areas.

Trout fishing

Trout fishing is done outside the park on the Sipi Falls. Guests get on a challenge to fish the rainbow trout.

Agro-tourism and cultural/community visits

Agro-tourism and cultural visits offer the most memorable experience. You get to explore various farming techniques, especially on how coffee is grown. This is from the very first stage till the coffee is ready for consumption.

Safari Lodges to stay at Mount Elgon NP

All kinds of accommodation options exist in and around Elgon National Park that is budget/basic, midrange and luxury. The top lodges/resorts/hotels to consider booking for a night stay on a safari in Mt Elgon N/Park include Kayegi Hotel, Sipi River Lodge, Kapkwai Forest, Noah’s Ark Hotel, Mbale Resort and others.

When to visit

Mount Elgon National Park is open all year round, but the dry season is the most favorable period to enjoy the most of mountaineering adventures. The dry months to consider visiting Mt Elgon occur between June and August, December and March.

How to reach the park

Mount Elgon NP is accessible by road, about 5 to 6 hours’ drive from the heart of Kampala capital or Entebbe city. You drive on Kampala-Jinja-Mbale route and there is a great chance to visit several other sites en-route, especially Ssezibwa falls, Mabira Forest, Source of the Nile in Jinja and others.



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