Lake Kivu



Lake Kivu is amazingly one of Africa’s most spectacular freshwater Lakes. This is a scenic Great Rift Valley water body strategically set between Rwanda and the D.R. Congo. This lake feeds other water bodies with water including River Ruzizi and also feeds Lake Tanganyika to the South. 

Lake Kivu boasts of its tranquility and with no doubt, the most favorite tourist sites worth exploring on Rwanda tour. It is strategically positioned enabling visitors around Gisenyi and Kibuye to combine their holidays with excursions at Lake Kivu. It is also recognized as the 3rd deepest lake and lies at the highest elevation.


Kivu lies in one of the densely populated areas but is rich in aquatic species. The varied aquatic species of Lake Kivu include 28 fish species, half of these are cichlids which survive within this lake alone. Lake Kivu Rwanda’s biggest local source of fish accounts for over 20,000 tons of fish each year. This makes it the main fish import contributor, especially when it comes to animal proteins.

Over 500,000 people in Rwanda and the Congo side depend on this lake. It is also a main source of methane with over 25 MW electric energy expected to be extracted from here. The extraction of this energy is expected to be conducted following safety measures for the human settlement nearby, biodiversity in the lake and climate aspects all put into consideration. Lake Kivu’s methane is estimated to cover and has 300 of carbon dioxide. 

Lake Kivu is an excellent location for honeymooners or leisure lovers to start their vacation in Rwanda. The lake’s surface area extends up to 2700 with a length of 90km making it also the 6th largest freshwater Lake. This water body has depth measuring 220 m and length measures 90 km. 

Walking/guided hiking excursions 

A guided walk/hike can be enjoyed at the shores of Lake Kivu, offering visitors exceptional views and refreshing experience. The amazing bit about L. Kivu excursions is that you have a chance to spend quality time with your dear one in the refreshing cool breeze from the lake.

Visit the Nyakarundi Island 

Visit Nyakarundi Island, a scenic piece offering a long story of how coffee is grown and before you return, you have a chance to have a taste of locally processed coffee. You also stand a chance to explore more about how some crops are grown/cultivated including bananas while viewing the stunning terraced farmlands on the sloping island.


If you enjoy swimming, then the best spot to begin your excursion is Lake Kivu. This freshwater body is free from hippos and bilharzia, offering a conducive environment for guests to enjoy swimming experience. 


Kayaking is one of the most unforgettable water sports awaiting you on Kivu excursion in Rwanda. On kayaking experience, capture inspirational views of the scenic Munini and Amahoro Island plus other surrounding areas.

Sport fishing 

For enthusiastic anglers on safari in Rwanda, L. Kivu is undoubtedly that favorite place that is worth starting your sport fishing adventure from. There are amazing fish species worth challenging yourself on fishing excursions and the lake accounts for 28 species. 


A birding excursion in Lake Kivu is a great chance to look out for your favorite bird species. The diverse species of birds to encounter here include Chin-spot batis, African fish eagle, Crimson rumped waxbills, Bronze sunbird, Yellow-throated greenbul, white-tailed blue flycatchers, Spotted cardinal woodpeckers, Speckled pigeon, African pied wagtail, and others.

Neighborhood of Lake Kivu 

Adjacent to L. Kivu are some settlements including Goma, Sake, Bukavu, Karongi, and Kabare. On the Congo side, the main settlement areas include Cyangugu, Kibuye and Gisenyi. Besides, tourists can combine boat rides or other excursions on Lake Kivu with primate safaris such as gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park or chimpanzee tracking in Gishwati-Mukura National Park and Nyungwe Forest National Park.

Where to stay 

Top places to consider for overnight stay at Lake Kivu include Umutuzo Lodge, Hotel Paradis Malahide, Cormoran Lodge, Rwiza Village, Rushel Kivu Lodge, Lake Kivu Serena Hotel, and others.

Access to Lake Kivu Rwanda

From Kigali to this lake, you need about 3 hours’ drive and ensure that you secure a 4×4 safari vehicle for your road trip. Connecting up to the lake is easier from other neighboring towns such as Cyangugu, Kibuye and Gisenyi.



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