Kidepo Valley National Park

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Tripscapers Africa > Destinations > Kidepo Valley National Park


In Uganda’s distant Northeast lies a scenic Kidepo Valley National Park, vast savanna grassland protected area in Karamoja region. Kidepo was gazetted in 1962 and its landscape spreads across 1442 It lies at elevation range of 914m to 2750m and offers amazingly true African wilderness experiences.

The landscape of Kidepo Valley National Park is characterized by unique savanna landscape and scenic peaks of Mount Morungole, home to IK people. The park is located in the far North-eastern Uganda, adjacent to the borders of South Sudan and Kenya, featuring semi-arid savanna, low mountains and seasonal rivers. This is interestingly an all-year-round African travel destination.

Kidepo is perched within Karenga Sub-county, Kaabong District. Getting to this spectacular savanna park from the heart of Kampala takes between 10 and 12 hours and available access route include Northern and Eastern route.

Unique Tourist Attractions to Explore in Kidepo

Diverse wildlife species

Kidepo is amazingly Uganda’s 3 rd biggest park and comes after Queen Elizabeth National Park as the most biodiverse destination. Over 77 distinct mammal species, 20 predators and 475 species of birds all survive in the different habitats in this park making it an exceptional African safari destination. The diverse wildlife species to search for in this park include cheetahs, spotted hyenas, lions, reedbucks, black-backed jackals, African bush elephants, gazelles, roan antelopes, zebras, striped hyenas, Rothschild giraffes, lesser and greater kudus, white eared kob, bat eared fox, caracals, aardwolf, dik-dik, Oryx, klipspringers, and others.

Bird species

Kidepo has an incredible birdlife of 475 species and comes 2 nd after Queen Elizabeth NP as the most diverse birding destination. The different species of birds that have been recorded in this protected area include clapperton’s francolins, Ethiopian swallow, Nubian wood peckers, rose-ringed parakeets, pygmy falcons, straw-tailed whydahs, white billed buffalo weavers, Egyptian vultures, verreaux’s eagles, yellow spotted petronia, Northern carmine bee-eaters, ostriches, superb starling, ostriches, chestnut weaver birds, fox kestrel, Abyssinian scimitar bill, Eastern pale chanting goshawk, fan tailed raven, orange winged pytilia, Bruce’s green pigeon, and more. The best birding sites to consider for birding tours in Kidepo Valley National Park include Kanangorok Hot Spring, Apoka Tourism Centre, Mount Morungole, Lomej Hills, Namamukweny Valley and Narus Valley.

Top Activities to do

Game drives

Game drives offer remarkable opportunity to nature enthusiasts to explore Kidepo’s diverse wildlife. You can choose to go on the morning or afternoon game drive in a 4×4 safari vehicle and with company of an experienced guide. The must-visit regions when it comes to Kidepo game viewing tours include Kidepo and Narus Valley. A game drive in this park comes with astonishing sights of mammals such as zebras, cheetahs, lions, African bush elephants, cape buffaloes, hyenas, leopards, reedbucks, giraffes plus plenty of interesting bird species.


Bird watching in Kidepo takes you on a great search for diverse avifaunal species. The likely bird species to spot include golden pipit, Egyptian vultures, Northern carmine bee-eaters, Abyssinian ground hornbills, red-cheeked cordon bleu, orange winged pytilia, eastern pale chanting goshawk, African moustached francolins, marsh tchagra, clapperton’s francolins, broad-tailed warblers, white-billed buffalo weaver bird, standard winged nightjars, crimson rumped waxbill, Karamoja apalis, Verreaux’s eagle, pygmy falcon, Kori bustards, red barbets, red-billed ox-peckers, white-bellied go-away, and more.


Guided hikes are best done on Mount Morungole. Hiking through this volcano means conquering the park’s highest peak 2750m. At the top, get to meet and interact with the IK people.

Nature walks

A nature walk in Kidepo NP takes you to key sites that you may not reach using a tour vehicle. The walks are done with the lead of an experienced guide and comes with surprising sightings of precious wildlife and birds. A normal nature walk runs for 2-3 hours and ideal areas to start this include Narus or Namamukweny Valley fringes.

Cultural experiences

Kidepo National Park safaris reward travelers beyond wildlife and bird encounters or hikes. A cultural safari at the adjacent local community to the park is a must-do. This involves interacting with the IK community at the summits of Morungole Volcano and or visit the Karamojong Manyatta to explore in depth about their distinct cultures, traditions and practices, etc.

When to travel/visit the park

Kidepo is an all year round African travel destination, but the dry season is undoubtedly the best time to experience the most of it. Unlike other wildlife safari destinations, Kidepo’s dry months fall within September, October and November and in case you are visiting the park for bird watching, then consider traveling around March, April and May.

Accommodation facilities

The available accommodation properties in and around Kidepo National Park include budget, midrange and luxury. They include Kidepo Savanna Lodge, Apoka Rest Camp, Apoka Safari Lodge, Nga’Moru Wilderness Camp and camping options.

Getting to the park –by road/air

By road –Kidepo Valley National Park is accessible on Kampala-Jinja –Mbale route (Eastern route) or Northern route via Kampala-Luweero-Gulu-Kitgum. The drive time ranges from 10-12 hours depending on your driver’s speed and car’s mechanical conditions. All routes have plenty of options for you to make a stopover including the Source of the Nile, Ssezibwa waterfalls, Mabira Forest, and Sipi Falls –for the case of Eastern route. En-route to Kidepo via the Northern circuit, do not miss to branch off to Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for rhino tracking.

By air –take a short time on a flight starting at Entebbe airport or Kajjansi airfield to Apoka/Kidepo airstrip. Upon landing, you can easily connect to your safari lodge for relaxation.



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