Kibale National Park

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Tripscapers Africa > Destinations > Kibale National Park


Kibale National Park guide –location, size, wildlife/primates, birds, activities, best time to visit, accommodation, how to get there and everything else you need to know about this park. Kibale is amazingly the best place to visit to trek and explore in depth about the daily behaviors of chimpanzees while in their natural habitat. This park protects the country’s highest chimpanzee population, totaling up to 1500 chimpanzees and has 4 communities that have been opened for tourism purposes.

Location, size and elevation

Located in Kabarole District, Western Uganda is a scenic rainforest dominated Kibale National Park, home to over 13 primate species. The park spans within the Albertine rift valley and surrounding it are 3 other districts; Kamwenge, Kasese and Kibaale. The park is set in an area with beautiful Crater Lakes and near to it are other Uganda safari parks including Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Semuliki National Park and Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Kibale National Park officially became a National Park in Uganda in 1993. It was a declared Forest Reserve since 1932 and currently, the park sits on the land area of 795 sq km. This protected area lies at elevation of 1100 to 1590m, and features spectacular moist-semi deciduous forest, swamps, shrubs and patches of savanna grassland.


A total of 70 mammal species exist in Kibale and accounts for 13 primate species. In addition, there are over 375 bird species, colorful butterfly species, and others. The various wildlife species that survive within Kibale Forest Park include 1500 chimpanzees, red-tailed monkeys, red colobus monkeys, vervet monkeys, blue monkeys, pottos, bush babies, vervet monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys. Away from primates, Kibale NP inhabits bushbucks, warthogs, African golden cats, serval cats, forest elephants, sitatungas, bush pigs, mongoose, otters, giant forest hogs, and more.

Bird species

A total of 375 amazing bird species survive in the different habitats of Kibale National Park. They include African green breasted pitta, grey-winged robin chat, purple breasted sunbird, Cassin’s spinetail, Nahan’s francolins, black bishops, Abyssinian ground thrush, superb sunbird, masked apalis, red-faced woodland warblers, Dusky crimson wing. Blue headed kingfishers, Black bee-eaters, yellow rumped tinker bird, yellow spotted nicator, black capped apalis, African pied wagtail, slender billed weaver birds, brown chested alethe and more.

Top Safari Activities to do

Chimpanzee trekking/tracking

Whether you intend to go for the morning or afternoon chimpanzee trekking, Kibale chimpanzee safaris never leave you bored. Chimpanzee trekking adventure involves searching for already habituated chimp communities with an experienced guide. This is a great chance to encounter Eastern chimpanzees in the wild, our closest relatives. These large apes share up to 98 percent of their genetic DNA with humans. A trek to explore chimpanzees lasts for 2-4 hours and is inclusive of an hour of interaction with these primates. Before you depart for actual for chimpanzees, guests first get briefed about chimpanzee guidelines and this will be done at Kanyanchu Visitor Centre.

Chimpanzee Habituation

Chimpanzee Habituation involves guests following semi-habituated chimpanzee community. The main goal is to make chimpanzees get used to humans before they are opened for actual trekking/tourism. You can have half-day or full-day chimp habituation experience and like normal chimpanzee treks, during habituation, there are higher chances to find other primates and several bird species.

Bird watching

Variety of forest and other endemic species all exist within Kibale National Park (KNP). The different birds to locate while on birding excursion in this park include the masked apalis, Abyssinian ground thrush, blue headed sunbird, red-faced woodland warblers, Dusky crimson wing, black bee-eaters, blue breasted kingfishers, black capped apalis, scaly breasted illadopsis, yellow spotted nicator, and more. Birding excursions in this park can be done as independent activity or combined with other activities like chimpanzee trekking, nature walks and others.

Nature/forest walks

Nature walks/forest walks take you 2 hours of exploring Kibale National Park’s rich habitats with the lead of an experienced park guide. As you walk through the lush Kibale Forest, expect to come across diverse primates, floral species and birds plus beautiful butterflies.

Go hiking around the park

You can also embark on guided hikes around Kibale. The favorite hiking areas include the Mpanga Falls trails –these trails usher you to the Mpanga River, Kihingami and Sebitoli wetlands and the other key area is the Ndali-Kasenda Crater Lake area.

Cultural tours

Cultural/community walks are excellently conducted adjacent to Kibale and involves interacting with local residents. The park is surrounded by the Batooro and Bakiga communities.

Best time to visit

Kibale National Park is open to guests all year round but the dry season is the most excellent period worth considering when you think of exploring this protected area. The dry months last from June, July, August, September, December, January and February –the months of the year that are characterized by low or no rains with the forest floor kept relatively drier. They are the perfect months of the year to enjoy the best of chimpanzee trekking.


Primate enthusiasts on a tour in Kibale can choose from varied accommodation options in and around the park. They include the Crater Safari Lodge, Primate Lodge, Nyinabulitwa Country Resort, Kyaninga Lodge, Ndali Lodge, Chimps Nest, Chimpanzee Guesthouse and others.

Getting to the park

By road –you can begin your road trip from Entebbe city or Kampala capital, drive via Mityana-Mubende-Fort Portal tourism city about 5-6 hours. Or set off from Kampala via Mbarara city and connect via Ibanda-Kamwenge route.



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