Masai Mara National Reserve

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Masai Mara

Explore popular places in the world that add meaning to a vacation. One of those is; Masai Mara national reserve in the republic of Kenya in the east of the continent of Africa. Kenya boasts of a rich wildlife biodiversity, cultural heritages, security, and modern infrastructure. The neighboring countries are; Tanzania to the south, Ethiopia to the north, south Sudan to the northwest, Somalia to the east, Uganda to the west and the vast Indian Ocean coastline forms the eastern Border. Swahili and other local dialects dominate the communication, though English is official. Common means of Transport is road, air and railway. The countries capital city is Nairobi, and it takes about 6-7 hour road drive to Masai Mara national park for your holiday experience. A flight from Jomo Kenyatta international airport to Masai Mara Serena airstrip or kishwa thembo airstrip takes about 45 mins with an aerial view of the breathtaking landscape.

Masai Mara National reserve is situated in Narok County in the southern part of Kenya, along the Great Rift Valley. It is managed by Narok local council and it was named in recognition of the Maa people-who inhabit the place. The word “Masai” is a local dialect meaning-“looked from a far”.  The area was first gazetted a 1961, but later declared a national reserve in 1976. Now it measures over 1510 sq kms, with an extension to the famous Serengeti national park in the republic of Tanzania. It is a co-host of the annual wildebeest migration-one of the largest movement of land animals on earth. There are five entry and exit points at Masai Mara reserve. These are: Oloololo, Musiara, sand river, Telek, sekenani gate.  To get access; all there is a fee. Persons aged above 12 years pay: 200$for foreign residents for 12 hours whereas children from the age of 9 to 17 years pay 50$ from 1st July to 31st December.

Activitivities at Masai Mara National reserve

Game drive and wildlife viewing

Watching the different wildlife while identifying them by name, character and habitat keeps the hours in the wild rolling. Africa’s big 5 notably; lions, leopards, rhinos, buffaloes, and elephants are present, though it demands some level of luck to spot them. Additionally, you have to lookout for several bird species such as the flamingoes and ostrich; plants and magnificent Landscape. Game drives are done full day or half day depending on one’s interest.

Wildebeest Migration witness

Watch the most interesting part of the annual wildebeest migration in Mara River in Kenya. All migrants gather, and have to cross the Mara River, which is invested with both crocodiles and hippos. Just beyond the obstacles, the likes of the lions, and leopards set a trap for a catch. The entire experience is so dramatic, worth watching and capturing on a camera.

Hot airbaloon safari

Referred by many as luxury. Hot airbaloon safari is a perfect way of exploring the hidden treasures of Masai Mara national park. For an hour, you will fly across the park with the eyes fixed on the ground with hopes of capturing the hard to find wilderness actions such as a Hunt, birth, or a fight. The tour climaxes with an experiential bush breakfast and a toast of Champaign in the wild.

Cultural safari

Meet and listen to the stories of renowned herdsmen-the Masai warriors who do entertain Guests through stories, visits to the kraal, and songs. The Masai warriors have for years upheld to their cultures as transferred by their forefathers. They pride in large herds of cattle, and its products. Feel free to mingle with them, exchange cultural believes and stories. It might seem strange how the Masai dress, sleep, eat, or interact, a fact that you should interest in discovering and appreciating.

Accommodation at Masai Mara reserve

Accommodation in and around the reserve range from budget to Luxury lodges, campsites, and hotels. The facilities are on high demand thus the need to make a booking at least three months in advance to secure a place that best suits your interest. Some notable lodges include: Mara west camp, Tayari Luxury tented camp,Leruk holiday home, Greenwood safari camp, spirit of the Masai Mara reserve, Emboo river lodge, Matira Bush camp, Mara Ngenche safari camp, Kicheche valley camp and much more.

Best Time to visit Masai Mara reserve and what to carry

Masai Mara is busy in the months of June to September and December to March it being the dry months. It is also that part of the way for watching wildebeests, accompanied by zebras and gazelles flood the Mara plains from Serengeti national park for fresh pasture, and water. Depending on how long you will stay, pack simple. Carry with you, profession camera for Photography, hand gloves, a hat, descent clothes face mask, all travel documents, and more.

In conclusion, choose Masai Mara national park for a remarkable safari experience in the continent of Africa-Kenya. The park is safe, with activities and accommodation facilities open to visitors all year round.


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