Amboseli National Park

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Amboseli National Park

Wonderful location that allows you take memory and leave behind only footprints. A place that gives you a chance to pay attention, think, and be in the moment. One of the most desired safari destination in the republic of Kenya in the east of the continent of Africa. Amboseli National park is the name, seating at the shadow of the snowcapped Mountain Kilimanjaro-the tallest stand-alone mountain in the republic of Tanzania. A safari to Kenya is safe and very adventurous, with lots of people to meet, food to eat, great infrastructure and wildlife to uncover.

To confirm your safety, you can take a look at Kenya’s neighboring countries, notably; Uganda-the pearl of Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Somalia. There are over 15 national Parks in Kenya, with Amboseli national park featuring all that you need for a holiday vacation.

As you hit the road to your preferred destination, enjoy the Kenyan cultures, weather, and food. Whereas English is the official language, one can’t leave the country without a Swahili word “Habari”. More to the animals and the land scape is the warm welcome of the natives, amazing accommodation facilities, transport network and the different attractions along your way. The four gates of Amboseli National park are are strategically located to provide easy access and exit to guests from the different highways.

These gates are: Kitirua Gate in south western part of the park and through it as you catch a clear view of Mount Kilimanjaro. Iremito gate is located in the eastern part of the park and a 5 hour drive from Nairobi city. Kimana Gate is the most used and located in the south-eastern part of the park. Meshana gate is situated in the northwestern part of the park and closest to Namanga boarder post. Gates open at 6am and close at 7 pm, with the guides present to take guests through the thrilling experiences.

Amboseli national park was pronounced a national park in1974, prior to being a southern reserve for Masai in 1906, and a game reserve in 1948 under the management of the local government. Being at the backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro, It becomes a perfect place for photography and scenic views. The park is approximately 215 kms (4-5 hour) road trip from Nairobi Capital city to Loitoktok district in Kajiado County. The sanctuary measures approximately 392.06 sq kms, dominated by large herds of elephants, over 400 bird species, over 47 raptor species, swamps and variety of plant species. The park is under the management of Kenya wildlife Service, Masai community and Olkejuado county council.

On a self-drive or with a Guide; here are some of the rules around the park to ensure persons protection and that of the animals. Always stay inside the vehicles except in the designated places; no noise to the animals, keep on the game drive track, give way to the animals, don’t feed the animals, manage your excitement regardless of what you spot, always stay calm, and above all, uncover the wilderness.

What takes you to Amboseli National Park?

Game drive and wildlife viewing

As you have a game drive across the open savanna h landscape, you have lots of flora and fauna to spot. Among those are: the African bush elephant, Grants zebras, Impalas, spotted hyenas,  cape Buffaloes, Masai giraffes, blue wildebeests  and more. Game drive is best done in the first hours of the day, or later in cool evening; when there is a hope of encountering among others a kill or birth. There ranger guide will brief you on the different facts about the animals, birds, and plants encountered. These facts are the botanical names, age, color, feeding, habitat, and unique characteristics of these residents.

Birding watching

This is one of the must do activities in Amboseli national park. There are over 400 bird species at the swamp areas, acacia woodland, and along the grass lands. Your expert birder guide will help you identify these avian species. the notable ones include among others; the pangani long claw, Hartlaubs bustard, lesser flamingos, common redshank, Vonder dickens hornbills, spike-heeled heron, Tavete, Rufous chatterer,  greater flamingos, and more. Morning hours (from 7am) are the best time to go out to look for birds in their habitats.

Hot air balloon safari

This is of the best way to uncover wildlife In Amboseli National park. Spend an hour above the ground; with an aerial view of the animals, birds, and much more.  Chances are high you can watch the hard to find animals such as the lions, leopards and elephants. The tour ends with a toast of champagne and an African bush breakfast. Just a few places offer this tour across Africa.

Cultural Tour

Uncovering how things are done by other people is good. Better enough that discovery that is blended with cultural entertainment, and village walk. You will uncover the life and stories of the Masai warriors living at the boarder of the park. The Masai are known for their love for cattle and cultural authenticity.

Other activities in and around the park include guided nature walk, photography, and more.

Best time to visit Amboseli and what to carry?

Amboseli National Park is open year-round with the best months for tours being January, February, May, to September. During these dry months, it is easy to drive, and have all activities without interruption. The months remaining months are relatively wet and come with difficulty of game drive due to mud and impassable paths.

Amboseli national park is one of the premier safari destinations in Kenya. Its plains are covered with over 1500 elephants, accompanied by other residents. There are lodges to sleep in, security around the park, and much more. Book your safari in advance to secure the best holiday experience.



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