Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

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Tripscapers Africa > Destinations > Bwindi Impenetrable National Park


Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park) is largely a tropical forest park; home to a significant portion of the world’s remaining endangered mountain gorillas. The park is most famous for its thrilling mountain gorilla trekking adventures with over 20 fully habituated gorilla families all open for gorilla tourism. 

 Bwindi being a typical rainforest records annual mean temperature range of between 7 and 15 degrees celsius and maximum temperature range of 20-27 degrees celsius. The annual rainfall range received at the park ranges from 1400 to 1900mm, with peak rainfall months lasting from March to April, and late September to November. 

Bwindi National Park is a special Uganda safari destination, gazetted in 1991 and in 1994; it was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Location, its size and elevation

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is lying in the extreme Southwestern side of Uganda, and surrounded by Kabale, Kisoro and Kanungu districts. The park occupies a compact land area of, and is positioned at an altitudinal range of 1160-2607m. At least 0% of the park’s elevation is at 2000m and the highest peak is Rwamunyonyi which is at Ruhija sector, the Eastern gorilla trekking region.

Faunal species 

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest protected area is compact but holds a huge profusion of faunal species. These include over 120 mammal species which also comprise of 459 endangered mountain gorillas; side-striped jackals, forest buffaloes, yellow-backed duikers, golden cats, bats, elephants, black-fronted duikers, and bush pigs. The other primate species that thrive within this rainforest park include chimpanzees, baboons, red-tailed monkeys, blue monkeys, spectacled galagos, De-Brazza monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys. 

Bird species 

More than 350 bird species also make Bwindi Impenetrable National Park a preferred birding destination. These include 23 endemic Albertine rift bird species and 14 of which are never found anywhere else in Uganda. The numerous bird species to identify while on a birding tour in Bwindi include the purple-breasted sunbird, collared apalis, western green tinker bird, Chapin’s flycatchers, short-tailed warblers, Kivu ground thrush, regal sunbirds, Grauer’s broadbills, Shelley’s crimson wings, Western bronze napped pigeons, chestnut throated apalis, fine-banded woodpeckers, standard winged nightjars, Doherty’s bush shrikes, black-breasted barbet, Archer’s robin chat, handsome francolins, great blue turacos, Montana oriole, and more. 

Other species; besides mammals and avifaunal species, Bwindi also supports a total of about 200 butterfly species, 8 of which are endemic to the Albertine rift area especially the African giant swallowtail, the cream banded swallowtail, and others. The park also protects a total of 14 snake species plus 14 lizards.

Gorilla trekking sectors 

Bwindi National Park is comprised of 4 main sectors where visitors begin their day from with briefing. They include Buhoma, Rushaga, Ruhija and Nkuringo, each of which has habituated groups of mountain gorillas.

Tourism Activities in Bwindi 

Gorilla trekking 

Gorilla trekking is undoubtedly the unique experience that awaits every nature lover on Uganda safaris in Bwindi National Park. This primate adventure is all about complete immersion into the jungles of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in search for endangered mountain gorillas. Briefing about gorilla trekking rules begins at the 4 sectors, where the park official also allocates gorilla families to every group of 8 guests and each group will be led by one experienced park guide. 

The trek through the park’s forests may last between 2 and 6 hours inclusive of an hour for up close and personal moment with the family of the endangered mountain gorillas. Some of Bwindi NP gorilla families include Mubare, Kyaguriro, Busingye, Kahungye, Kutu, Bushaho, Oruzogo, Nkuringo, Mukiza, Rushegura, Nshongi, Bweza, Bikingi, Mucunguzi, Christmas, and many others.

Take note that the only legible group of visitors allowed to go trek gorillas are those above 15 years and a gorilla permit should be a must-have. The gorilla permits are issued at USD 700 per person for all foreign non-residents, USD 600 for all foreign residents while those belonging to category of East African citizens- Ugandans inclusive pay shs. 250,000 per person. 

Bird watching

Bwindi also offers the most memorable birding experience to enthusiastic birders. The park holds up to 350 species of birds. These include the bar-tailed trogons, black-billed turacos, cinnamon chested bee-eaters, common bulbul, Rwenzori batis, African emerald cuckoos, black-bee-eaters, white tailed blue flycatchers, Archer’s robin chat, Standard winged nightjars, black breasted barbets, short tailed warblers, fine-banded woodpeckers, African wood owl, African green broad bills, crowned hornbills, African harrier hawks, regal sunbird, Doherty’s bush shrikes, and others.

Gorilla habituation 

Gorilla habituation is another special experience that distinguishes Bwindi Impenetrable National Park from the rest of the destinations. This primate adventure is entirely intended to trained gorillas to get used to human presence in the wild. The day gorilla habituation involves following the semi-habituated gorilla family, and this is only done in Rushaga region of Bwindi National Park. 

Nature/forest walks

Bwindi Impenetrable Park features multiple forest/nature walking trails, each leading nature enthusiasts into unique attractions. Every nature trail in Bwindi has something special to offer guests and include Muzubijiro loop, Ivy river trail, Rushura hill, Kashasha, Habinyanja, and Munyaga river trail. 


Biking or cycling should be among the special experiences that you shouldn’t return without embarking on while on Uganda safaris in Bwindi. This allows you to conquer the breathtaking landscapes of surrounding areas of Bwindi, and this excursion is done with the lead by the Ride 4 a Woman.

Cultural experiences 

Still at the adjacent Bwindi, cultural experiences should be a must-do. This is possible at the Batwa pygmies community where you can interact with the famous forest keepers –The Batwa. They lived for years in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest as hunters and gatherers till 1991 when they were evicted when this protected area was declared a national park. 

Best time to visit Bwindi 

The dry season is amazingly the most ideal period if you intend to visit Bwindi National Park for a holiday. This is during the long and short dry season- the long dry months; June, July, August to September or December, January to February. While these are the most preferred months of the year to explore Bwindi, even the wet months of the year are open for visitors. The challenge one may encounter is the heavy rains and the ground can be muddy or slippery –this is from March to May or October to November. 

Places to stay 

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park comes with myriad of accommodation options; budget, midrange and luxury. They include Rushaga Gorilla Lodge, Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Lodge, Buhoma Lodge, Mahogany Springs, Silverback Lodge, Gift of Nature Lodge, Gorilla Heights, Broadbill Forest Camp, Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge, Chameleon Hill Lodge, Lake Mulehe Safari Lodge, Bakiga Lodge and Ichumbi Gorilla Lodge.

How to get there 

By road: the commonest option to getting to Bwindi is by embarking on road transportation. From Entebbe or Kampala to Bwindi Impenetrable NP, you need 8-9 hours to drive. Navigate via Masaka-Mbarara-Kabale route, or connect from Kigali through Katuna/Chanika border, approximately 4-5 hours’ drive. By air, fly in tours are the quickest way for tourists to get to Bwindi, and this is about 2 hours from Entebbe airport or Kajjansi airfield to Kihihi/Kisoro airstrip. From these airstrips, you can be picked up by your driver and transferred up to the lodge in the park.



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