Best time to visit Uganda

Best time to visit Uganda

Everyday is the best time to visit Uganda. Uganda is among the countries with the best climate in the world since it is crossed by the Equator. This means that it receives 2 rainfall seasons throughout the year. However, it is always better to visit Uganda during dry season in the months of December to February and June to August that is when the roads are dry and the vegetation is so clear which allows your eyes to run endlessly.

It is during these dry seasons that you can engage in different park activities especially for gorilla trekking in Mgahinga gorilla national park and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park which involve hiking while tracking the gorillas, you need to visit these parks during the dry seasons for easy navigation of the park, while other parks might have two rainy seasons, it is different with Kidepo Valley National Park which has one long dry season which runs from July to February and a wet season starts from March to June. It is also very important to know the climate of Uganda before you travel so that it doesn’t hinder your navigation in the jungle.

As a traveler, if you are planning for a fabulous trip to Africa, Uganda should never be given a second option but rather should be on top of the list due to the diverse flora and fauna, different cultures, undulating landscape that will brighten your safari to Uganda.

Planning a safari to Uganda comes with a list of considerations;


Uganda having 2 seasons the dry season which run from December to February, during these months the safari activities are always so easy to do however this comes with a high cost since it is during these months when the safaris are at peak especially gorilla trekking experience which require dry grounds for the trekkers and wet season which run from March to May.

Dry Season (June to August and December to February)

During dry season in Uganda the temperatures always raise to 290C during the day and the nights are always cold which will give you maximum comfort in the night and warmth during the day, therefore for a successful safari trip to Uganda it is always important you look out for dry seasons.

During the dry season it is when you will enjoy safari activities all throughout Uganda’s national parks even the gorilla trekking trails in Bwindi and Mgahinga gorilla national park will be dry making trekking so easy and enjoyable. Safari activities are always very expensive and the parks are crowded.

Wet Season (March to May and September to November)

Wet season is equally very pleasant especially for the travelers who are looking for low safari rates, it is always wet season when there is less crowd in the park and travelers feel like they own the park at the same time during wet season, it is when the nature flourishes and you will see how beautiful and greener the hills and mountains, forests and swamps become plus the wildlife they will look healthier.

As we communicated earlier that Uganda receives two seasons of rainfall and the longer rain season is from March to May this is when the grounds are soggy but again the vegetation is extremely greener and on the other hand, this makes some safari activities a bit difficult for example gorilla trekking which require hiking, roads will be slippery during this period, however much it can be wet season, it can’t rain the whole day you expect sunshine to show up after the showers.

This is the best time for travelers who are looking for low-budget safari packages. It is always during wet seasons that you will encounter beautiful wildlife that Uganda boasts to have for example, this is going to be the right time for you to see migratory birds and again if you want to track mountain gorillas you will not hustle because during this period mountain gorillas always come to lower altitudes.